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1945: The Beginnings

The school was started by Rev John Preedy in August 1945, in the Social Hall, Harvest Road, as a direct result of the last war. Two Roman Catholic schools, St Joseph's of Camberwell and St Bernard's of Stepney, were evacuated to Englefield Green during the early part of the war and jointly held their classes in the Social Hall.

Many of the parents moved into the district and when the schools went home towards the end of the war, many families remained behind. It was then that Father Preedy took the opportunity to start a school. It was named St Cuthbert's and was held, like its predecessors, in the Social Hall. The first day of school was 20 August 1945. 71 children were on roll, with ages ranging from 5 years 2 weeks, to two months short of 14 years. 38 of the children on roll were originally evacuees to Englefield Green.