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Badges of Responsibility

Head Boy and Head Girl 

Each year staff choose a girl and boy from Year 6 to take on the responsibility of Head Boy and Head Girl, our school role models. These children liaise with Mrs Rainbow throughout the school year and play a big part in driving pupil voice. 

The Head Boy and Head Girl also lead the Celebration Liturgy at the end of the week.

Sports Captains

Our Sports Captains work with the PE Lead and help with various events and house competitions throughout the year. 

House Captains and Vice Captains

At St Cuthbert's every child, teacher and governor belongs to a house named after different patron saints. Children in Year 6 are elected to be House Captain and are supported by their Vice Captains  to role model the behaviours of their patrons. 

St Benedict  

Patron Saint of Protection. His virtues are a 'Love of Christ and his neighbour' and 'Justice and Obedience'. Feast Day - 11th July

St Bernadette

Patron Saint of the Sick. Her virtues are Humility and Obedience.                   Feast Day - 16th April
St Cecilia Patron Saint of Music and Musicians. Her virtue is Courage - to stand up for what she believed in. Feast Day - 22nd November. 
St Thomas Patron Saint of Architects. His virtues are Justice, Courage and Bravery. Feast Day - 3rd July. 

Worship Leaders 

Children from Year 2 to Year 6 act as our worship leaders, helping to prepare for acts of worship throughout the school. 

Peer Mediators

Our peer mediators are on hand at lunchtimes to give support (through restorative approaches) to those children who may have fallen out or need help playing with their friends. 

They are trained in the restorative approach. They are independent in record keeping and pass on any incidents to the relevant class teacher and our Behaviour Lead.  It is very important that our children learn the skills to resolve any conflicts amicably and calmly before deferring to an adult. They are an invaluable part of St Cuthbert’s school life and a big part in monitoring behavioural incidents and keeping our children safe before they escalate into what we may understand as ‘bullying’. 


Sports Crew / Play Leaders

Our play leaders support KS1 children at lunchtimes. They set up, explain and play structured games with the younger children. 

Our Sports Crew receive a 3 hours training session (usually at Royal Holloway). The children gain a Bronze award; we are always keen for the children to gain their Silver and Gold awards before they reach the end of year 5. This would involve them organising PhysiFun festivals within school, writing newsletter reports about these festivals, obtaining children's voice, leading in lessons and reflecting on their leadership skills. We look forward to seeing the children get stuck into their roles in school in the coming weeks.


With our newly refurbished library, our librarians are busy making sure the library stays tidy and children will find books easily.

Eco Warriors

Eco Warriors are chosen in all classrooms and are our ambassadors for keeping the school a tidy place, ensuring lights are switched off when not needed.

Wellbeing Ambassadors

Wellbeing Ambassadors support, lead and implement wellness or mindfulness programmes, health promotion or initiatives within a school. They can also be a visible support to approach for help or advice if someone is struggling with their mental health or needs a boost.