Structure of a Governing Body
Structure of a governing body
The Governing Body of a Catholic school consists of a combination of the following:
Foundation Governors
Appointed by the Bishop specifically to ensure that the religious character of the school is preserved; that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed (ie the diocesan trust deed); and that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the bishop’s policy for his diocese, based on the Bishops’ Conference Curriculum Directory. Amongst other responsibilities, they should:
- understand and promote the distinctive nature of Catholic education
- secure the long term future of Catholic education
- ensure that the whole curriculum, including religious education, is taught 'in the light of gospel values and actively promotes the spiritual and moral development of the pupils’.
Parent Governors
Elected by parents, parent governors must (usually) have a child at the school when elected. They are representatives of parents, not delegates of the parent body. This means that they should be well aware of parental feelings and concerns but should follow their own convictions when taking a line at meetings.
Staff Governors
Elected by the staff body, staff governors must be employed by the school. They are representatives of staff, not delegates of the staff body. This means that they should be well aware of staff feelings and concerns but should follow their own convictions when taking a line at meetings.